October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month and Living Resources is highlighting the many accomplishments of individuals supported through our Employment Services program.

Peter Harris stores are well known for their affordable prices, but the scores of shoppers who browse the clothing racks each day might not think too much about how they stay stocked. Meet Cason, an intern receiving support from the Living Resources Employment Program.

Cason began working at the store recently and she’s already taking the clothes out of shipping boxes, tagging, folding, and/or hanging them, so customers can browse. She’s looking forward to learning new things soon, like using the cash register. “It’s going well and I know I can call staff to get help in case something goes wrong,” says Cason.

Peter Harris has partnered with Living Resources since the fall of 2021. Since that time, they have hosted four interns and have hired one as an employee. Store managers Shannon and Janine say they’ve enjoyed working with the job coaches and that the extra hands in the store are always welcome support.

“Right out of the gate we treat them like any other Peter Harris employee,” they explain. “We hold them accountable and challenge their abilities. We really enjoy having the chance to give interns an opportunity to grow and learn.”


Living Resources’ Employment Program seeks to assist individuals with disabilities as they pursue meaningful career opportunities. The mission is to help people achieve independence and self-sufficiency by ensuring individualized supports are provided on the job site through partnerships with scores of businesses across the Capital Region. The benefits are bountiful. The individual becomes a part of a more diverse and inclusive workforce while helping the business meet its needs.