The Community Living Program at Living Resources provides independent living for disabled adults. The mission of the Community Living Program is to provide quality and consistent habilitation services to individuals living in the community in various settings. Such services may include, but are not limited to, assistance with activities of daily life, socialization activities, recreational activities, general household maintenance, as well as teaching independent living skills for individuals with disabilities. The Community Living program provides apartments for people with disabilities and encompasses many services, including:
Lionheart Apartment Program
Our Lionheart Apartment Program in Cohoes, NY provides independent living for disabled people and offers subsidized housing for working class families and individuals with special needs. Individuals receive ISS rent subsidies to assist with rent and also receive Community Habilitation services from staff that are on-site up to 10 hours a day. Many individuals in this program have jobs, manage their own finances, and maintain their own apartments while also being active and involved members of their local communities. Individuals in this program receive between 2-12 hours of staff support per week in achieving personal goals based on independent living, community integration, socialization, and productivity.

Intrada Saratoga Springs Apartment Program
Our Intrada Apartment Program in Saratoga, NY offers apartments for people with disabilities via subsidized housing for working-class families and individuals with special needs. Individuals in this program receive ISS housing subsidies to assist with rent and also receive Community Habilitation services. Individuals in the Intrada Apartment Program require slightly more care and monitoring than those residing in the Lionheart Apartment Program.
Albany Supportive Living (ASL)
Albany Supportive Living is a program that serves individuals living in various certified Supportive Individual Residential Alternatives (IRAs), typically in apartments with non-24/7 staffing. The ASL program provides habilitation services to supported individuals focused around independent living skills for individuals with disabilities that includes, but is not limited to, apartment maintenance, cooking, cleaning, shopping, and general organization. The program also provides nursing services and medication management services, along with assistance with money management. Individuals living in supportive apartments are expected to live independently with staff support.
Individual Supports and Services (ISS)
Individual Supports and Services assists adults with developmental disabilities who wish to live independently by providing funds to pay for housing costs, including security deposits and start-up costs. ISS is a housing subsidy calculated based on an individual’s income and household housing costs and is renewed yearly. Apply through your Care Coordination Organization.
General Community Habilitation
Individuals living in their own homes or in the homes of family members can receive Community Habilitation services with trained and compassionate staff in one-on-one or group settings. Community Habilitation provides community living with supports that can help to foster and maintain independence, happiness, and overall well-being through our person-centered services. To learn more visit our Community Habilitation Page here.

Family Support Services (FSS)
The Family Reimbursement for Goods & Services program provides financial assistance to families in New York State who fall under the OPWDD umbrella. This service can provide financial reimbursement to families who have had to buy necessities for their loved one with ID/IDD, up to $200 per family per year. For more information and to apply, click here.