The Living Resources After School Program extends Mags’ day of learning. She enjoys music and dance and bowling and loves cooking – this is a great skill for life. Most days, when we ask Mags what the best part of her day was, she says ‘after school program.’ What can make a parent happier? Knowing that Mags is in a safe environment, having fun and learning life skills makes us very happy
The primary focus of the After School Program is to help children and adolescents develop social and recreational skills. We do this by providing participants with opportunities to participate in a wide variety of activities, such as:
The After School program provides supervised recreational activities to students at six program sites throughout the Capital/Saratoga Region.
Children and teens in the ASP enjoy a variety of activities, and look forward to the opportunity to socialize with their peers after their school day.
Parents of kids in the ASP enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that when they are unable to be present, a dedicated staff of skilled adults is ensuring the safety of their loved one.
We are grateful for the After School Program! It is a safe, reliable, and fun way for my son Joey to hang out and have a good time after school until I am done with work, and honestly a godsend for us. He loves his staff. The freedom of doing things in the community without family makes him feel like a ‘big kid.’