Jorelle was a professional dancer who specialized in the flair, energy, and muscular strength of African Dance. When she was 29, she was injured in a car accident which she attributes to black ice. Although many things have changed for Jorelle, creative expression still dominates her personality. She delights in the yoga and mindfulness classes she takes through Living Resources’ Acquired Brain Injury group. Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of oneself in the present moment, without judgement. This weekly meeting provides Jorelle with structure that breeds calm, particularly during this time when everything is still so unknown. She writes:
“I love the mindfulness/relaxation class because it allows me to SLOW down, breathe, stretch and move differently than I usually do. And during the pandemic, it’s been really wonderful to BE A PART OF SOMETHING! I have somewhere to be, my presence is valued! There is a whole bunch I do to get ready: close the curtains on the front window, put my mat down, put a sign on the front door that I’ll be “unavailable” for the next hour, take off my shoes and socks, and make there’s no background noise (radio etc.) We do “meditation/visualization” and that’s pretty wild for me, because I rarely just lie down and do NOTHING. I’m doing something mental, not physical, and I’m a very physical person.”
Living Resources instructor Kendra Cunningham has integrated her passion for mindfulness and movement in her work with individuals impacted by brain injuries to help build a sense or awareness, acceptance, and increased resilience.