Currently, Living Resources College Experience Program (CEP) has two student interns at Grrreendog Grooming & Spa, Anthony Goetke and Luke Stevens. Both students have spent time learning about canine behavior with the daycare and training groups and have shown incredible growth in their understanding of the importance of body language and confidence directing the dogs in various different enrichment activities! Anthony enjoys spending his internship days with the “big dog” class, and Luke has begun to split his time between the “little dog” class and the bathing room on his internship days. Luke, pictured, recently learned about brushing from Grrreendog owner Sundance Lev.
Sundance is no stranger to Living Resources! Back in 2012, former CEP student Bill Fitzpatrick started his Grrreendog Journey as an intern with job coach William Lynch. Bill was hired on by Sundance shortly after and has worked with the Grrreendog team ever since! These days, Bill acts as a Facility Tech and helps to oversee the upkeep of the daycare and building, and also helps out in the bathing room. Sundance also recently hired two more individuals working with our Employment Team, Jessica Lounsbury and Destiny Tribley, who have just started learning the morning daycare and bathing routines!
Thank you Sundance and the Grrreendog family for being such wonderful employment partners!