The wonderful folks of Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church – HUPC have been sponsoring one of our residences for Christmas gifts for many years. They have a special bond with the residents of this house because one of our individuals, Brian, and his family are beloved members of their congregation. Brian grew up in the church and was part of the church’s “Special Friends” class from a young age.

Carmen, the medical assistant at the house, gets ideas for gifts from her individuals, who typically request things like pajamas and socks. Carmen gives the information to Brian’s father who relays the suggestions to Cindy Schultz, from HUPC. Then, the Hamilton Union Church “Presbyterian Women” (aka PW) jump into action purchasing and wrapping gifts. They also provide warm hats and gloves from their Mitten Tree and plastic “candy canes” filled with chocolates. Additionally, this year, all the individuals received a greeting card with a dollar bill enclosed. On Christmas morning, our individuals opened their surprises with delight and joy.

Cindy said that HUPC is a “very giving congregation” that truly enjoys providing for our residents in this way. “Those in the house love receiving the gifts and it enriches our lives too. It’s very much a win-win situation.”

We are grateful for this beautiful partnership between the Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church and Living Resources and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts!