Our Adventure Program participants recently finished two weeks of fun and excitement, embracing Helen Keller’s quote, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
This program offers full-day recreational opportunities to children and young adults with developmental disabilities during school gap week in February and the last two weeks of June. This June, they experienced swimming, yoga, candle making, trampolines, pottery painting, a sensory gym, and more while creating friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. They ended their week with a Luau party complete with grass skirts, ice cream sundaes, music, and dancing. Staff and participants had a great time and were ready for a good night’s sleep by the end of the day.
Participants must meet OPWDD eligibility, live at home with family, and be of school age (11-21 years old) For more information or to apply for future Adventures, go to https://livingresources.orgadventure-program/