At the beginning of 2020, Community Habilitation staff in Saratoga Springs took on a big task: assisting with and managing 13 separate apartment re-locations for individuals served by Living Resources. For close to 20 years, these individuals lived in their own apartments on Congress St in Saratoga Springs. Community Habilitation staff worked on site every day to assist them with activities of daily living and to ensure they lived happy and healthy lives. However, as these individuals grew older and rent went up at their apartments, it became necessary to support these individuals as they relocated to more modern and affordable housing. The Intrada in Saratoga Springs, NY opened in January 2020 and included brand new apartments in the middle of Saratoga Springs that were significantly more affordable.
The staff Michelle Summerlin-Yergan, Lorenzo White, Bill Stanley, Karen Palmucci, Patti Turner, Pat Laviana, and Lindsey Ryan were absolutely essential to this moving process. Every day involved packing, planning, transferring utilities, lifting, and all the other other activities that need to be completed before someone moves. These staff performed exceptionally well in various roles and under pressure. With the assistance of the LR maintenance department (the best in the business), these staff helped move all 13 of these individuals into their new apartments, ensured their rent was paid and utilities were transferred, and provided a great deal of physical and emotional support to people who had just moved into a new place after 20 years in another.
These staff were led by their program manager, Lindsey Ryan, but these people also are led by Living Resources’ mission. Their commitment to the happiness and security of the people they serve guided them through stressful days and nights. Now they can continue to “provide life enhancing services to individuals challenged by intellectual and developmental disabilities”, just a mile or so down the road!
Thank you to the wonderful staff and manager at the Intrada in Saratoga Springs. Living Resources and its mission are enhanced when the mission is carried out by staff who are dedicated, caring, and understanding of the challenges in the field. Most importantly, the people they serve-with their support-continue to live happy, healthy, and independent lives.