Living Resources’ Schenectady Site Based Day Habilitation Program participants couldn’t have picked a better day to branch out and go apple picking! They hopped aboard a giant tractor trolley at Bowman’s Orchards for a tour of the apple trees. All the individuals then disembarked to pick their own apples and experience all the best sights, sounds, and scents of the season. Once their bags and hearts were full, they took a second tractor ride back to the Farm Store where they had an outdoor lunch at the orchard, complete with freshly made apple cider donuts.
At the end of the day, they all agreed, there’s nothing more a-peeling than a day spent at the orchard!
Living Resources’ Site-Based Day Habilitation program offers individuals with developmental disabilities the opportunity to learn and improve their skills for meaningful, independent living through community involvement and various in-house and community activities. We focus on skill building in independence, community inclusion, social integration, individuality, and productivity.
At their sites, individuals participate in a wide variety of recreational activities. Additionally, participants go out in the community on a regular basis – some daily, others not as often – based on their desires and interests as well as their abilities, challenges, and goals. We have sites in Schenectady, Albany, and East Greenbush.