Our College Experience is in the groove with virtual learning! We have a selection of 13 courses students are able to choose from; Monday through Friday, 9am to 6:40pm. Our students stay connected with each other and their teachers at the College Experience, through a variety of strategies, including Zoom teleconferencing. We had two students without the technology to take online classes, so our very dear friends at PNJ Technology Partners stepped in to donate laptops for their use. We are so very thankful to PNJ for their assistance in helping our students in their quest to continue their education!
So what do the classes look like? In our Employment Adventures class, the students were polled so they could share which topics that were important them, particularly in light of on-line learning. We got some amazing feedback! We also played “Alphabet Jobs”, where the students were given a letter and they had to come up with a job that fits that letter. We then discussed the job tasks for that particular job. It really got our students thinking and created a lot of laughs too!
During the Sociology of Selfies class, the students learned about the cultural impact that selfies have in our society and how the pictures we take of ourselves tell bigger stories than we think. Doles World is taught by Dom and Cole, two teachers at the College Experience. Recently the focus was on the topics of history around the world on events that took place April 1st: History of April Fools, music events, and historic birthdays.
We can’t wait to see what other topics are covered by the College Experience in the weeks to come!