Saratoga Day Community Opportunities Program (DCOP) participants spent the month of July finding some of the best summer destinations in the region! They took an excursion to Lake Luzerne to try river tubing with @TubbyTubes for the first time. Everyone enjoyed the delightfully relaxing experience of floating on the water and hanging with their peers! They continued their water adventures with the @LakeGeorgeSteamboatCompany on the Minne-Ha-Ha Paddlewheel Steamboat. They spent the hour long cruise being serenaded by the calliope, enjoying beautiful views of the Adirondack Mountains and watching some parasailers explore the lake from above. Finally, they took on the quintessential summertime destination – @sixflagsgreatescape . As always, they had a blast riding some thrill rides and eating some yummy foods while enjoying the sights and sounds of the park. Who knows what adventures August will bring? Stay tuned!
Independence and Equality every day are part of our mission every day, and our DCOP live that mission to the fullest. Learn more about the program here: https://livingresources.orgday-community-opportunities-program-dcop/