On April 8, we were treated to a rare astrological sight – a solar eclipse took over the sky in the afternoon and when the clouds parted, the sight was truly something to behold!

Those inside our office at 300 Washington Avenue Extension filed outside, with their glasses in hand, to watch the moon cross in front of the sun from the parking lot. Office staff joined together with participants in our Brain Injury Structured Day Program and many ooohs and ahhhs were heard among the crowd.

For several students in The College Experience, the Albany Skyway was a picturesque setting for eclipse-viewing. The skyway is an elevated park that connects the downtown area to the Hudson River waterfront and our students were in good company there. Downtown Albany’s BID organized a city-wide watch party right in the park.

While our Day Community Opportunities Program opted to cut regular programming short on eclipse day to ensure traveling could be done safely, a couple of Saratoga County DCOP team members got a celebrity guest in on their sky-watching fun. We spy their office neighbor Jake from State Farm, decked out in some stylish eclipse-specs.

We are pleased so many from our Living Resources family took time during their busy day to safely appreciate this astrological event!