What happens when you realize the job you have, isn’t the job you want for the rest of your life? Maybe you’ll send out your resume and try to get a foot in the door in a new industry. But change is hard, and can sometimes be scary and overwhelming for anybody.

For those with developmental disabilities, these changes can be daunting. Just ask Tor, a graduate of The College Experience Program at Living Resources. Tor worked in retail for years, then he went on to work at a local market. While he was happy in his independence, he found the jobs unfulfilling. When he mentioned this to his job coach Lori she was ready to help him realize his dreams.

Tor and Lori spoke at length, and they realized that Tor liked cooking! Tor’s father is a chef, so Tor wanted to try working in a kitchen. Lori coached him and brought him to Bountiful Bread for an interview and HE GOT IT! Now, Tor works in the kitchen at Bountiful Bread and he is so happy. Whenever he learns to make something new, you can hear and see the excitement and sense of accomplishment in his work.

“I think I found my niche.” That’s what Michael says about working at Bountiful Bread. Michael works in the kitchen preparing food with Tor. He loves his job and calls it a “blessing”. When he’s at work, you can see the pride he takes in all that he does.

Lisa, the kitchen manager at Bountiful Bread, works with Michael and Tor and says “I’ve seen big, big improvements, attitudes, everything. If they have a question, they can ask five questions, same question five times a day, I don’t care, I’ll answer it.” When remarking on working with people with disabilities in a professional setting she says, “Everybody is different, even with a disability or not … we learn to work together.”

Thank you Lisa and Bountiful Bread for fostering such an inclusive work environment for individuals with disabilities!

Living Resources has been providing supported employment services in Albany, NY as well as the surrounding Capital Region since 1985. Our Employment Program has sought to assist individuals with disabilities pursue meaningful career opportunities. To learn more, click here.